Golden Bay Air Sustainability

Kaitiakitanga Golden Bay Air Manaakitanga
We are a locally owned and operated air and ground transport service.
We have become integral to the infrastructure of Golden Bay and the communities of the South Island north-west.
We believe we have a responsibility to reduce our impact on climate change and the environment.
Plus, we must play our part in contributing to the wellbeing of communities we operate in.
Minimising our Environmental Impact
We support Golden Bay’s Mohua 2042 Sustainability Strategy in the following ways:
- Energy/Carbon emissions: We are gradually upgrading our fleet to be more efficient. For example our brand new GA8 Airvan is one of the most fuel efficient aircraft on the market for its load carrying capability. We have calculated that when you fly with Golden Bay Air between Wellington and Takaka you are choosing the most carbon efficient option for your seat compared to all other transport options (except driving a full car to catch the interisland ferry). When technology and regulations allow, we aim to transition to either electric or hydrogen powered aircraft and vehicles
- Waste: Most of our administration is online not paper-based and with recycling, we produce less than 1 rubbish bag landfill waste per fortnite throughout our operation. We continue to look for ways to reduce waste
- Water: Golden Bay Air uses rain-water from our hangar roofs to wash vehicles and aircraft
- Hazardous substances: With the exception of AVGAS, oil for the aircraft and vehicle cleaning products, we have limited hazardous substances on site to manage. We are compliant with the HSNO requirements in the storage, use and disposal of these substances. There are no toxic emissions into our environment
- Noise: Golden Bay Air aircraft comply with noise regulations. We choose flight paths that minimise the noise footprint on inhabitants near airports. Operations are daylight only with no nighttime noise emissions
Contributing to Community Wellbeing
In addition to being an essential transport connection for people in the remote North-West of the South Island, and a company that supports the economic wellbeing of the community by bringing in tourists and visitors, examples of support Golden Bay Air has provided to community groups includes:
- Contribution of flight prizes for fundraising events, including: breast cancer, defibrillators, Takaka Village Theatre, Football club, Netball Club, Motorcycle Club, Golden Bay sports awards, Rescue Helicopter, Oparara Trust, Recreation Centre and Farmers Bull Auction (for Cyclone Gabrielle)
- Donation of prizes for Golden Bay High School prizegiving and Collingwood Area School fundraising and Home and School associations
- Work experience programmes for local students who have an interest in aviation careers
- Supply of aircraft at cost for whale spotting during beach strandings and other emergency events
Our Accreditations
Qualmark Gold Sustainable Tourism Business Award
We are proud of our Gold Sustainable Tourism Business Award which is awarded by Tourism New Zealand to recognise the best sustainable tourism businesses in New Zealand, with the delivery of exceptional customer experiences an integral part of everything they do.
Tiaki Promise
Tiaki means to care for people and place. New Zealand is precious, and everyone who lives and travels here has a responsibility to look after it. The Tiaki Promise is a commitment to care for New Zealand, for now and for future generations.
By following the Tiaki Promise, you are making a commitment to New Zealand. To act as a guardian, protecting and preserving our home.
Nau Mai, Haere Mai Ki Aotearoa, Welcome to New Zealand.
Department of Conservation Approved

The DOC Approved label symbolises the significant contribution tourism and recreation businesses make to conservation in New Zealand.
The label shows the value of our business to DOC and illustrates to visitors that our business pays fees to DOC to support conservation.
We have passed the environmental standards set by DOC, as well as safety standards set by an independent auditor, and been approved to operate in public conservation areas.
Tripadvisor Travellers' Choice Awards 2024

Golden Bay Air is a Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice award-winner. Travellers’ Choice award-winners are among the top 10% of listings on Tripadvisor, recognizing businesses that earn consistently great reviews. Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice honours select accommodations, attractions and restaurants that consistently demonstrate a commitment to hospitality excellence.